


來(lái)源:豪施泵業 發布時(shí)間:2011/2/12 11:19:18 點擊:2 
日前,一種具有緩慢(màn)轉速與低性能磨損的(de)内齒輪泵被推出。據了(le)解,該類型齒輪泵由具有多(duō)年泵業生産并且在泵業有著(zhe)較大(dà)影(yǐng)響力的(de)英國泵業公司推出的(de)。該公司在民用(yòng)泵以及工業用(yòng)泵有著(zhe)很豐富的(de)工作經驗,對(duì)于企業用(yòng)泵不論各種型号的(de)離心泵、空積泵等都有著(zhe)很好的(de)解決方法。Recently, a kind of slow speed and low performance within the gear pump wear is introduced. It is understood that the type of gear pump Pump with many years of production from the pump and has a great influence in the British Pump Company introduced. The company"s civil and industrial pumps pump has very rich experience, whether for business with various types of centrifugal pump, air pump and so has a very good product solutions.

新近推出的(de)“V”系列齒輪泵僅由兩部分(fēn)組成,包括轉子與空轉齒輪,同時(shí)還(hái)有一根軸。該工業用(yòng)泵最大(dà)物(wù)點就是可(kě)以連續進行泵送運轉,并且保持與自轉速度成正比,在完全獨立壓強與平穩流速下(xià)其壓力峰值與脈沖對(duì)其無任何影(yǐng)響。當泵送液體的(de)物(wù)理(lǐ)特性(例如溫度、壓力、粘度)到達極值時(shí),泵浦的(de)高(gāo)真空裝置也(yě)還(hái)可(kě)以快(kuài)速的(de)完成自吸。Recently launched "V" series gear pump is only composed of two parts, including rotors and idle gears, as well as a shaft. The largest industrial pump material point is that we can run continuous pumping, and keep pace with the rotation is proportional to the pressure in the full independence under the pressure and the smooth flow of its peak value and pulse are not affected. When pumping liquid physical properties (such as temperature, pressure, viscosity) reaches extreme, the high vacuum pump can also quickly complete self-absorption. 泵的(de)高(gāo)容積效率也(yě)由于轉子的(de)自然磨損調節體系使得(de)泵送系統達到最佳工作狀态而達到最佳狀态。 The high volume pump efficiency because the rotor system of regulating the natural wear and tear makes the pumping system to achieve optimum working conditions to achieve the best condition.
公司地址:吳橋縣桑園鎮黃(huáng)河(hé)路南(nán)側香山路東側 郵編:061800 電話(huà):0317-7365638 傳真:0317-7365508 聯系人(rén):賈經理(lǐ) 手機:13832753728 QQ:78789348 
網址:/ 郵箱:hsbyvip@163.com 
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