A poorly performing pump on an offshore platform, presented a costly challenge to the oil company. Bryan Orchard looks at the solution AxFlow provided; a Waukesha rotary lobe piston pump which could stand up to the harsh North Sea conditions, has low life cycle costs and can realise predictable service intervals
Pumping produced water from closed drain and similar applications is a challenge frequently encountered on offshore platforms. This is because the presence of a high sand content makes the slurry abrasive. However, the problem is compounded by temperatures of approximately 70°
石油公司基于這(zhè)些因素,急需一台易維修、生命周期成本低的(de)泵浦。自2003 年起英國AxFlow流體公司,專爲這(zhè)類石油公司,提供多(duō)功能沃基肖旋轉活塞泵,從液态氣體到粗糙的(de)碎石等多(duō)種工況設備的(de)需要。低必需氣蝕餘量(NPSHr)能夠應對(duì)氣蝕工況的(de)挑戰,幹燥運轉能力,低生命周期成本,,堅固的(de)菱形外形設計,能夠隔離潮濕環境,并抵制液體腐蝕,易于維修(每次隻需一兩個(gè)小時(shí)的(de)人(rén)工維修)這(zhè)就是沃基肖泵大(dà)受歡迎的(de)原因。