


來(lái)源:豪施泵業 發布時(shí)間:2011/2/12 11:39:50 點擊:2 

Transmission medium has a transmission, lubrication, sealing and heat transfer characteristics. Therefore, high viscosity gear pump equipped with low power consumption, less leakage, flow more and so on.


Medium degree of difficulty fully reflect the flow of the liquid viscosity, viscosity will be increased once the high frictional resistance within, so that the output power down, and cause energy waste, resulting in system temperature is too high.


When the transmission medium identified, they shall be in accordance with the instructions on the product manual, to avoid exceeding the manufacturer"s recommended range of fluid medium, keep in mind bear in mind the system operating temperature range of its use. If the transmission medium viscosity index may also be higher in a wide temperature range of use. Also take into account the viscosity of the liquid delivery system, a higher or fluency in a cold environment, to ensure the transmission medium freezing point should be lower than the expected minimum operating temperature; as well as to whether the media delivery system, seal, gaskets, soft - piping and other rubber materials have a compatible, if the incompatibility should be re-selection medium.
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