


來(lái)源:豪施泵業 發布時(shí)間:2011/2/12 11:06:53 點擊:1 



In 2008, developed by the pump valve limited liability company out of China"s first magnetic fluorine plastic self-priming pump.

It is understood that in this series of pumps for the ZMD series self-priming pump, the internal flow passage components are completely corrosion resistant materials with high efficiency, that is what we call the fluorine plastic, its working principle is to use magnetic coupling to an indirect transmission for operation. As the pump chamber is designed to be completely closed, it will not be any trickle down phenomenon is not at the same time for all kinds of highly corrosive liquid, can be unconditional delivery. It can be the biggest feature is the self-absorption, and thus the application of the pump and the efficiency has been greatly improved.

The product is isolated by the latest set of materials with high strength mechanical properties, frequently does not produce magnetic pump magnetic vortex defect. And in the design on the drawing after a unique structure, one light on the Ke Yi Hen De Duiqineibu Jinxing maintenance and Peijiangenghuan, Wu Xu demolition pipeline, both Xing Shiyou effort greatly facilitates maintenance and maintenance work Richang.
公司地址:吳橋縣桑園鎮黃(huáng)河(hé)路南(nán)側香山路東側 郵編:061800 電話(huà):0317-7365638 傳真:0317-7365508 聯系人(rén):賈經理(lǐ) 手機:13832753728 QQ:78789348 
網址:/ 郵箱:hsbyvip@163.com 
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